Advance C++ : Non-Modifying STL Algorithms
C++ STL algorithms are template functions which operate on sequence of elements. A large number of such functions are provided by the STL to do operations like searching and sorting. Most of the algorithms operates on some kind of iterators. So it...
C++ STL Functors
STL includes a set of template classes that overload the function call operator (operator ()). Instances of those classes are called functors or function objects. Many algorithm functions in STL take those functors as input and apply them on the...
C++ STL Iterators
Iterator is a concept of objects which can be used to traverse through the elements of a collection of objects like STL containers. An iterator object can point to an element within a range of elements and provides a mean to move the pointer through...
Inline and CSS Styles in HTML
Style attribute
The style attribute is used for defining the styles which is applied to specific HTML element. The syntax for the style attribute is:
style = “property:value;”
property defines any valid CSS property
value is a...
Phrase tags in HTML
The phrase tags are added for a particular representation and can be viewed similar as other tags. Let start learning with the different tags with examples.
Marked text
The <mark>...</mark> tag is useful in displaying the element in yellow color....
C++ Statements, Blocks and Flow Control Statement
C++ program is a collection of statements. Normal statements are sequential and executed sequentially. These statements can be: Declaration Statements, or Expression statements. Also a group of statement treated as a single statement is called...
Formatting in HTML
In HTML, formatting the elements were useful in showing text with special meaning. Special elements of HTML are useful for defining text with particular meaning. Learn about different formatting with appropriate examples.
Bold formatting
HTML attributes
The attribute in HTML provides user with more information about the element. It is always added inside the opening tag of the element. Every attribute contains of two parts as name and value. The name defines the property to be assigned to the...
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