Creating Group Elements and Reusing Schema Components
The schemas are used for declaring the components in the application that can be used reused in other schemas. The elements as include and import are used for the purpose of reusability.
Working with XML Schemas and Namespaces
An XML document consists of several elements. The XML schema defines the list of elements and attributes that can be used in the XML document.
Introduction to XSL With Examples
XSL is the abbreviation of the Extensible Stylesheet Language. It is used to provide formatting to the XML documents.
Exception Handling in WCF
When user communicates with WCF service, it can result in errors like invalid data type, type conversion, or service not available etc and can be handled using exceptions.
Working with Android Intents
Intent is used to performing tasks in an android application this tutorial covers how to get started working with android intents along with type of intents.
Exploring WCF programming model
WCF service the communication occurs through the service endpoint which is the gateway for communication of different applications.
Introduction to DataGridView Control in VB.NET
An introduction to the DataGridView control in VB.net along with important properties, methods and events with code examples.
Why Use XML In Web Design and Development
XML helps data exchange between heterogeneous applications and system over the internet a breeze using common data interchange format.
Phonebook Sample in C++ Using Objects
Making a Phone Book application in C++ to understand the OOPs features of the C++ language.
Exploring CSS3 With Examples
CSS3 has been split up into modules. Each module has different features and style. Borders, Gradients, Text Effects, 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions are explained with examples.