ASP.NET Validators
ASP.net Validators can be used for checking the content against unwanted input values by a user.
ASP.NET Directives
The ASP.NET directives are used for specifying the settings used by the page and the controls.
ASP.NET Basic controls
There are various types of server controls provided by ASP.NET. The controls are divided as Web server controls, HTML server controls and validation controls.
ASP.Net Client Side
In ASP.NET, a web application contains web pages. The web pages are of two different types as static and dynamic web pages.
HTML Server controls
The HTML controls are used for enabling users for interacting with various components. The methods were written by the developers for providing different functions for interaction.
ASP.NET Server Controls
ASP.NET Server controls are useful for creating user interface in an application. The controls can be buttons, textboxes, labels, checkbox, radio button, etc. User can select control according to the requirement.
ASP.NET Server side
ASP.NET application has built in objects along with properties, methods and collections available to Page object.
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