Go4Expert April 2016 Monthly Newsletter

C++ 11 Uniform initialization

C++ has a lot of way of initializing an object but prior to C++11 there was no single way of initialization applicable to all type of objects. That was the motivation to find a single way of initialization in C++11.
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Different SQL Server Operators

An operator is used along with the where clause for performing different operations in SQL. In this article, we shall explore different operators used in SQL.
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C++ Initialization List

When memory is allocated for any object of any type (primitive or user defined) the content of the memory can be undefined or set to some standard value.
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C++ Threading vs Windows Threading vs MFC Threading vs .Net Threading

Implementing Multi-threading in Windows Application
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Data Types in SQL

There are several data types defined in SQL. It is necessary for the user to understand different data types available in SQL
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C++ 11: Concurrency Support

Concurrency in applications is the ability of the application to have more than one independent execution path and communicate with each other while being executed.
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SQL Server Studio Components and Tools

SQL Server tools that improves database performance. In this article, we shall learn about the components of SQL Server.
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Introduction to SQL Server

Overview and features and components of SQL Server along with support for various query types like DDL, DML DQL
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Lamda Expression in C++ 11 and C++ 14

Lamda expressions are more handy to use than function pointer or std::function especially when you need to pass callbacks to standard library functions.
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C++ 11: Alias and Alias Template

In C++11 programming, we use aliasing to create shorter type name for an existing longer type name using typedef keyword. Let us understand the usage of typedef and alias with an example
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