by-vishal sharma To many, Sanskrit is a dead language. Some think it's a 'useless' language. Quite a few Hindus preen themselves that it is exclusively theirs. But did you know serious scholars are beginning to marvel at the rigour, reach and secularism of Sanskrit? Many of these --all over the world-- are mining it for values the modern world can benefit by. But nearly no one does this exposition with greater commitment, catholicity and religious neutrality than Prof M A Lakshmi Thathachar at the Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, Karnataka. On the 15 acres of the Academy, the assertions in Sanskrit texts regarding ecology, farming, health and right living are on view. The Professor is a farmer, livestock breeder, conservationist, researcher, teacher, computer adept and most of all, a man who embodies all that is best in the Indian tradition. He is a Renaissance man unique to India. .... Approaches to the source: Lakshmi Thathachar's view of Sanskrit's nature may be paraphrased as follows: All modern languages have etymological roots in classical languages. And some say all Indo-European languages are rooted in Sanskrit, but let us not get lost in that debate. Words in Sanskrit are instances of pre-defined classes, a concept that drives object oriented programming [OOP] today. For example, in English 'cow' is a just a sound assigned to mean a particular animal. But if you drill down the word 'gau' --Sanskrit for 'cow'-- you will arrive at a broad class 'gam' which means 'to move. From these derive 'gamanam', 'gatih' etc which are variations of 'movement'. All words have this OOP approach, except that defined classes in Sanskrit are so exhaustive that they cover the material and abstract --indeed cosmic-- experiences known to man. So in Sanskrit the connection is more than etymological. It was Panini who formalised Sanskrit's grammer and usage about 2500 years ago. No new 'classes' have needed to be added to it since then. "Panini should be thought of as the forerunner of the modern formal language theory used to specify computer languages," say J J O'Connor and E F Robertson. Their article also quotes: "Sanskrit's potential for scientific use was greatly enhanced as a result of the thorough systemisation of its grammar by Panini. ... On the basis of just under 4000 sutras [rules expressed as aphorisms ], he built virtually the whole structure of the Sanskrit language, whose general 'shape' hardly changed for the next two thousand years." Every 'philosophy' in Sanskrit is in fact a 'theory of everything'. [The many strands are synthesised in Vedanta --Veda + anta--, which means the 'last word in Vedas'.] Mimamsa, which is a part of the Vedas, even ignores the God idea. The reality as we know was not created by anyone --it always was--, but may be shaped by everyone out of free will. Which is a way of saying --in OOP terms-- that you may not touch the mother or core classes but may create any variety of instances of them. It is significant that no new 'classes' have had to be created. Thathachar believes it is not a 'language' as we know the term but the only front-end to a huge, interlinked, analogue knowledge base. The current time in human history is ripe, he feels for India's young techno wizards to turn to researching Mimamsa and developing the ultimate programming language around it; nay, an operating system itself. Thathachar believes that not enough is being done to explore the rich veins in Sanskrit's knowledge mines. Yoga, ayurveda, architecture, music, dance, statecraft and the like are but a few products that have been brought out. Agriculture, metallurgy, computer sciences etc can gain if new forays are made into the depths of Sanskrit. He is gratified recognition for the Academy's work with Sanskrit is coming slowly. It is an approved 'Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation' [SIRO]. It is recognised by the University of Mysore as a centre that can guide doctoral candidates. Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belgaum has permitted it to award PhD and MSc degrees by research in Information Technology, Materials Science, Aeronautics and Social engineering. Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] has commissioned it to prepare an Indian view of the cosmos. We are out in the fields again. "If there is one thing I denounce the West for, it is the concept of banks and interest. Yes, you can quote me -- I am closer to Islam in this respect. Money as an end measure of attainments is ruining everything. Our governance, commerce, farming and relationships are all drifting away from the reality that can work without conflicts. We are fooling ourselves with what is progress. We will face the wall soon," he says. He sounds far from being despondent or extremist, though. In fact there is a glint in his eyes, almost as if he can sense that the trend may be reversing. momre later....
NASA declared Sanskrit to be " the only unambiguous language on the planet " Adding on to the above article ... The Sanskrit alphabet is called "devanagari" and literally means "cities of the gods". Rishis discovered Sanskrit and used it to create the mantras. These mantras were made up of a combination of sound vibrations, which when recited had a specific effect on the mind and the psyche. In the times of the Rishis,the main aim was to attain the truth, and Sanskrit - the perfect tool was found to be the best medium. Due to its specificity and purity, this seemed the best language with which to understand God's creation and as such is called "the great spiritual anguage of the world" (Joseph Campbell). Sanskrit is the common language of the Hindu Scriptures. It is the oldest language in the world. It is the language of the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata , Ramayana and the Puranas. Sanskrit literature is easily the richest literature in the history of mankind. The word Sanskrit literally means "Perfected Language" or "Language brought to formal perfection". This is quite an appropriate name since NASA declared it to be "the only unambiguous language on the planet". Sanskrit is a scientific and systematic language. Its grammar is perfect and has attracted scholars worldwide. Recently well-known linguists and computer-scientists have expressed the opinion that Sanskrit is the best language for use with computers. Sanskrit has a perfect grammar which has been explained to us by the world's greatest grammarian Panini. Sanskrit is also the mother of all Indo-European languages and the big sister of Greek and Latin. It is the origin of all the Indian languages. For more go here : Sanskrit Literature Amit Ray Pessimists, we're told, look at a glass containing 50% air and 50% water and see it as half empty. Optimists, in contrast, see it as half full. Engineers, of course, understand the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. (Bob Lewis)
yeah , you are right sanskrit is best lanaguge for computer but problem is sanskrit it self is very tough lanaguge to learn :d i have failed whole year in sanskrit when i am in class 8th:d. no problem now i can try to learn it again if our go4expert team like to craete any s/w for it
Hey one thing is for sure .... the best things in life don't come easy .... it is but obvious that the most scientific language might be a bit difficult to learn but then I think it's worth it ... but all the same I realize that talking and discussing won't help matters much ... we need to act ... I have seen physics books claim that " the speed of light has been calculated with great accuracy in Rig Veda ... " but the problem is before we find these secrets before they are actually found out the modern scientific community .. like I mean if we could have discovered the speed of light from the Vedas before the modern scientific community did, then probably sanskrit and sanskrit literature would have a more than it's current share of believers or rather patronizers ... Amit Ray. You think this will work ? I think I can make this work ..
May be you right this time. there many thing that discoverd by indian ,but credits taken by others. like for eg Zero and Decimal is invented by Indian,but credit taken by arabians. basically we never try to utilize our resources,every thing is given to us by god but we can't utilize them. any way leave that matter behind. You think this will work ? I think I can make this work .. REALLY
Yes, REALLY ... Amit Ray. An organisation that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only. (Bjarne Stroustrup)
Hi, I think someone is not right about "Devanagari" meaning "cities of gods". I think and I am very sure that it is "Devanam Garihi" meaning Language of Gods and "Deva" + "Nagari"
they say sanskrit is most suited as a computer language.. is it true? can u supply any evidence to support/refute this claim?
I have noted that all languages in India are heavily influenced by Sanskrit. So is also the language in my country, Sinhala. But what is strange is that European languages seem to have been so influenced, too! And, many Asian languages, too.
Now see - pur = city in Sanskrit Nagpur - and various other cities in India Anuradhapura - the ancient capital in Sri Lanka Kualalampur - Malaysia Singapore Saraburi, Petchaburi, etc. - Thailand Barobadur - Indonesia, etc., etc.
i agree with you vishal, sanskrit is the best language and it is also ancient language . we should respect it.
Just now, I can't recall his name, though it is at the tip of my tongue! He is a physicist and a linguist. No doubt, a strange combination. He explains how European languages are influenced by Sanskrit. Just a couple of examples - Go, gava = cow Deva = deity and quite a lot more.
I have visited many townships and cities in Thailand named with the suffix 'buri'. That is really the Thai format of Sanskrit 'Pur' or 'Pura'.
Sanskrit by CD is a complete program for learning Sanskrit. The lessons offer an introduction to the language through the teaching of the alphabet and sanskrit pronunciation, plus more indepth study of simple sandhi (combination of sounds), vocabulary, noun and verb forms.
Its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only.
The very word Sanskrit means refined and complete. Sam (together) krtam (made). Sanskrit is perhaps the oldest living language. All modern languages have etymological roots in sanskrit. Linguistic researches have revealed that all Indo-European languages are rooted in Sanskrit. TheEnglish word 'brother' for instance can be rooted to Sanskit word 'brathara:' and the word mother can be related to the Sanskrit word 'Mathara:' Computer experts find that Sanskrit is the best suited language for programing because words in Sanskrit are instances of pre-defined classes, a concept that drives object oriented programming [OOP] today. For example, in English 'cow' is a just a sound assigned to mean a particular animal. But if you drill down the word 'gau' --Sanskrit for 'cow'-- you will arrive at a broad class 'gam' which means 'to move. From these derive 'gamanam', 'gatih' etc which are variations of 'movement'. All words have this OOP approach, except that defined classes in Sanskrit are so exhaustive that they cover the material and abstract --indeed cosmic-- experiences known to man. So in Sanskrit the connection is more than etymological* The alphabets in sanskit are called 'Akshara:' which means :'something that cannot die or lose its luster' .(Na Sharathi ithi Akshara. Sanskrit is a refined, pure, rich and an immortal language and one would not be surprised if the technology tomorrow becomes Sanskrit centered....