PVS-Studio 5.00: support of Embarcadero C++Builder, Windows Store and Windows Phone 8

Discussion in 'Information Technology' started by Karpov2007, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Karpov2007

    Karpov2007 Banned

    Oct 14, 2007
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    scientific adviser of OOO "Program Verification Sy
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    The PVS-Studio code analyzer has changed its main version number to 5.00. This is because we have added support of the Embarcadero RAD Studio development environment along with the capability of checking WinRT C++/CX projects into our tool.

    The Embarcadero RAD Studio development environment has been actively developing lately. It has acquired support of new capabilities of the C++11 language and the capability of building 64-bit projects.

    Another noticeable tendency of late is appearance of C++/CX developments for the WinRT platform. This capability has appeared in the Visual Studio 2012 development environment.

    It's quite natural that we have offered PVS-Studio to developers working in Embarcadero RAD Studio or creating applications for WinRT. It has become possible now that we've released PVS-Studio 5.00. The tool supports the following environments:

    Visual Studio 2012: C, C++, C++11, C++/CX (WinRT).
    Visual Studio 2010: C, C++, C++0x.
    Visual Studio 2008: C, C++.
    Visual Studio 2005: C, C++.
    Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3: C, C++, C++11.
    Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2: C, C++.
    MinGW: C, C++.

    You can download a full-function distribution kit here: http://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio-download/

    The demo version's limitations concern only the number of diagnostic messages you can navigate through. It doesn't prevent you from studying all the capabilities of the tool.

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