Blogging 'set to peak next year'

Discussion in 'Information Technology' started by shabbir, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    The blogging phenomenon is set to peak in 2007, according to technology predictions by analysts Gartner.

    The analysts said that during the middle of next year the number of blogs will level out at about 100 million.

    The firm has said that 200 million people have already stopped writing their blogs.

    Gartner has made 10 predictions, including stating that Vista will be the last major release of Windows and PCs will halve in cost by 2010.

    Gartner analyst Daryl Plummer said the reason for the levelling off in blogging was due to the fact that most people who would ever start a web blog had already done so.

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