Sir , I disprove your comment about the "classes in Python" Tutorial ...It is my original tutorial ..With my original examples ...I have spend a large amount of time writing that and it really hurts when somebody simply says that it is copy pasted... Have a look at it Sir.... Your Wrong....Absolutely Wrong....
Please I need ya help. If you know of a good network monitoring software for internet cafes let me know its name. I need a software that can control more than 10 pcs (clients), generate user name and passwords, record transactions and all you can think of. Please send the name (if you know of the best) to or if posible the download link. Thank you.
Most of them have missing <form> tag and closing form tag is </fom> Also one of them is having issue with letters and numbers. So it is not one but all which you need to see
unfortunetly shabbir, The tour was posponded to Augest month becoz some educational problems :embarasse best of luck Unni
My class will starts 20th may be be4 that Its not confirmed May be we wist at the end of this week And I think Kolkatta is a good place to visit
i think you are wrong ubuntu mandrive fedora puppy suse are some of the greatest linux distibuters in the world if you give me a chance to edit i will