hello!! what is basically the difference between broadcasting & multicasting?In both the cases the CPU has to make a decision on the...
sorry for the wrong forum,how does one correctly understand what is the forum supposed to be.i thought it was an OS malfunction. Well regarding...
hi all whenever i want to shut down my pc it restarta all over again and i have to just cut off the power supply
while networking the souce pc grants access but the destination one does not accept it.i have gone to services and enabled LAN But it does not...
hello!! i'm having a problen to network my pc(compaq) with another of the same specifications.i have a bridge in my pc but the other does not...
hello shabbir i want to know how to take java lessons from this site
Thank you Shabbir,it helped me
hello everybody,i want to know about virtual functions in c++ and how to implement them,plz help me....
In relational database,eg: bank management i want to knw how to update the table in the deposit section, after a run time error is detected,if...
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