you can use printf ("Number:% d", 'f');
What do you want exactly? What number should I get out at "f"?
x = 1.0 - expTerm;
No. Not on the keyboard.
For keyboard input expected C (+ +) almost always a Enter
That's right! For the LinkedList, which I used in my code sample I have to specify a PtrTyp. Then I did not even care. But what about if I...
Thank you! So that I would be happy for the moment. -> The idea to encapsulate methods and object pointers and only then can I insert in the...
First of all thank you for your answers! But: Maybe I am so, what problem number one is concerned, expressed something unclear. Syntax of...
OK! Item number two has done it! Only as far as problem number one, am I, unfortunately, still no further! Can someone help me also to...
i! Contributions about pointer to class methods are indeed already in the forum. Still remain for me what this topic concern, a few...
f I want to study up to z / 2 why I did then as a termination condition not> or <z / 2 z and square root but i?
is the last line as aware of?
Example: 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 ==> if one fully paid equal to the sum of its divisor is my c-code this: # Include <stdio.h> # Include...
Separate names with a comma.