Watch out for these demon little misfits. xD Woody Allen Virus: Bypasses the motherboard and turns on a daughter card. Tonya Harding Virus: Turns...
Google Search Engine Tricks This list can be found all over the place so why not add one more. List admin account info" filetype:log !Host=*.*...
Autoit Keylogger After searching through the web most of what I found did not work on Windows7 machines so I wrote this. It consist of two files a...
Robots.txt file for User-agent: * Disallow: /*TOCLinksForCrawlers* Disallow: /*/mac/help.mspx Disallow:...
Analyzing the efficiency of algorithms 1 1 1 1 1 e = --- + --- + --- + --- + --- + ... 0! 1! 2! 3!...
This article is a collaboration of articles found on the internet about various viruses / virii, what they are, history, different types, and some...
Great article, very well constructed. Cheers-
MsgBox.exe and SplitString.exe Download these files and put them into the AU3 directory.
Overview The BATCH / DOS Extended Language Project (Del-P) was started as a way to add extended functionality to DOS Batch scripts. Offering user...
Separate names with a comma.