CSV has become a common and popular format for many uses, primarily for address book, reports, and other tabular data export requirements. For...
MySQL is a hot favourite RDBMS, primarily when developing web applications, and Ruby is an emerging language in the web development business. I...
Amazon's Simple Storage Service is a very cheap and reliable storage infrastructure with a pay-as-you-go payment plan where you only need to pay...
Ruby is one of the growing scripting & web development language, it was designed to be easy to learn and provides least possible surprises for a...
Most of us have know PHP as a language used for web development, but it is also being used for writing backend processing scripts, backup...
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a low-cost & high-availability storage service provided by Amazon Web Services. It's very efficient and...
Try this http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc773155%28WS.10%29.aspx
What result do you get from your query?
Cool, the history one was really nice, it really helps me ;-)
Separate names with a comma.