Wrong outpur help...

Discussion in 'C' started by bsudhir6, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. bsudhir6

    bsudhir6 New Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    /*Calculates the total sale given the unit price, quantity, discount,
        and tax rate
        @author: Sudhir
        @Date and time: 1/8/2011 4:04:06 PM
    #define TAX_RATE 8.50
    int main(int argc,char *argv[])
        //Local Declarations
        int quantity;
        float discountRate;
        float discountAm;
        float unitPrice;
        float subTotal;
        float subTaxable;
        float taxAm;
        float total;
        printf("\n Enter number of items sold:            ");
        scanf("%d", &quantity);
        printf("\n Enter the discount rate(per cent):            ");
        scanf("%d", &discountRate);
        printf("\n Enter the unit price:            ");
        scanf("%d", &unitPrice);
        subTotal = quantity * unitPrice;
        discountAm = subTotal * discountRate / 100.0;
        subTaxable = subTotal - discountAm;
        taxAm = subTaxable * TAX_RATE / 100.0;
        total = subTaxable + taxAm;
        printf("\n quantity sold:    %6d \n",quantity);
        printf("Unit Price of items: %9.2f \n",unitPrice);
        printf("                --------\n");
        printf("Subtotal : %9.2f\n", subTotal);
        printf("Discount : %9.2f\n", discountAm);
        printf("Discounted total : %9.2f\n", subTaxable);
        printf("Sales tax: %9.2f\n", taxAm);
        printf("Total : %9.2f\n", total);
        return 0;
    The output coming to me is....
     Enter number of items sold:                    34
     Enter the discount rate(per cent):                     7
     Enter the unit price:                  12.89
     quantity sold:     34
    Unit Price of items:      0.00
    Subtotal :      0.00
    Discount :      0.00
    Discounted total :      0.00
    Sales tax:      0.00
    Total :      0.00
  2. virxen

    virxen Active Member

    Nov 24, 2009
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    /*Calculates the total sale given the unit price, quantity, discount,
        and tax rate
        @author: Sudhir
        @Date and time: 1/8/2011 4:04:06 PM
    #define TAX_RATE 8.50
    int main(int argc,char *argv[])
        //Local Declarations
        int quantity;
        float discountRate;
        float discountAm;
        float unitPrice;
        float subTotal;
        float subTaxable;
        float taxAm;
        float total;
        printf("\n Enter number of items sold:            ");
        scanf("%d", &quantity);getchar();
        printf("\n Enter the discount rate([COLOR=Red]percent[/COLOR]):            ");
        scanf("%[COLOR=Red]f[/COLOR]", &discountRate);[COLOR=Red]getchar();[/COLOR]
        printf("\n Enter the unit price:            ");
        scanf("%[COLOR=Red]f[/COLOR]", &unitPrice);[COLOR=Red]getchar();[/COLOR]
        subTotal = [COLOR=Red](float)[/COLOR] quantity * unitPrice;
        discountAm = subTotal * discountRate / 100.0;
        subTaxable = subTotal - discountAm;
        taxAm = [COLOR=Red](float)[/COLOR] subTaxable * TAX_RATE / 100.0;
        total = subTaxable + taxAm;
        printf("\n quantity sold:    %6d \n",quantity);
        printf("Unit Price of items: %9.2f \n",unitPrice);
        printf("                --------\n");
        printf("Subtotal : %9.2f\n", subTotal);
        printf("Discount : %9.2f\n", discountAm);
        printf("Discounted total : %9.2f\n", subTaxable);
        printf("Sales tax: %9.2f\n", taxAm);
        printf("Total : %9.2f\n", total);
        return 0;

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