Here is the deal. I am writing a program in assembly that compresses and decompresses text based files. The user should be able to input a text file, and declare the name of what that file should be name when turned into a .drl file (just a random extension for my prog). Right now I am working on reading the file to be compressed. First off I am reading the file one byte at a time and looking for " "(the space character). I want to search the text files for " word" and replace each instance of that word preceded with a space with a "key." This key will be designed using Huffman's Algorithm. Anyways I want to read the character and as long as its not null, append it to the end of a string. (this part is done) Next, I want to add my new found word to an array of words to be used later in determining the frequency of words, and/or converting them to symbols for compression. However, i am stuck on the label starting at line 215. When I try to add the word to the array, all I get is some symbols. NOT MY WORD. How do I easily add my word found to the array? Those are all the questions I am at the point of asking right now, but as I have seen plenty of times before, you guys are pretty strict on not giving out help on homework without effort shown. So here is my incomplete code. Feel free to make any and all helpful criticism. Thank You. Code: ;AUTHOR: DANIEL LUCAS Include ;includes Master Irvine's Library .data message1 BYTE "Please type the file name of the file to be compressed",0 ;initiates the variable message1 and assigns it "Please type the file name of the file to be compressed", 0 message2 BYTE "Please type the filename to save the compression to(must end in .drl):",0 ;initiates the variable message2 and assigns it "Please type the filename to save the compression to:", 0 message3 BYTE "Cannot compress an empty file!",0 ;initiates the variable message3 and assigns it "Cannot compress and empty file", 0 message4 BYTE "Please select one of the options:",0dh, 0Ah, "1. Compress a file",0dh,0ah, "2. DeCompress a file",0dh,0ah,0 ;initiates the variable message4 and assigns it "PLease select one 1. Compress 2. DeCompress", 0 message5 BYTE "Please type the file name of the file to be DeCompressed(must be a .drl file):",0 ;initiates the variable message1 and assigns it "Please type the file name of the file to be Decompressed", 0 message6 BYTE "Please type the filename to save the DeCompressed File to:",0 ;initiates the variable message2 and assigns it "Please type the filename to save the DeCompression to:", 0 message7 BYTE "Cannot compress an empty file!",0 ;initiates the variable message7 and assigns it "Cannot compress and empty file", 0 message11 BYTE "Here3", 0dh, 0Ah,0 ;initiates the variable message8 and assigns it "Complete!", 0 message9 BYTE "Here1", 0dh, 0Ah,0 message10 BYTE "Here2", 0dh, 0Ah,0 message8 BYTE "Complete!",0 handle1 DWORD ? ;Uninitialized variable for handle1 handle2 DWORD ? ;Uninitialized variable for handle2 handle3 DWORD ? ;Uninitialized variable for handle3 BUFFER_SIZE = 1 ;sets buffer size to 1 buffer BYTE BUFFER_SIZE DUP(0) ;Duplicates buffer to buffer size and sets to 0 bytesRead DWORD ? ;Unintialized variable for bytesread bytesWritten DWORD ? ;Unintialized variable for byteswritten sourceFile BYTE 20 DUP(0),0 ;initiates the variable for the sourceFile destinationFile BYTE 20 DUP(0),0 ;initiates the variable for the destinationFile newword byte 46 DUP(?),0 fresh byte 46 DUP(0),0 store dword ? wordArray DWORD ? fakeword BYTE "thisWord",0 .code main PROC ;beginning of main proc call ShowPrompt ;calls showprompt proc call checkForEmptyFile ;calls checkforemptyfile proc call getFileHandles ;calls getfilehandles proc call ReadFromFile1 ;calls read from file1 proc call closeFiles ;calls the closeFiles proc exit ;properly exits main ENDP ;end of main proc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; showPrompt PROC ;beginning of showPrompt proc L1: ;loop one mov edx, OFFSET message4 ;moves the offset of message 4 into edx call WriteString ;displays message4 call crlf ;new line call ReadChar ;reads user input of a char cmp al, "1" ;compares input to the char '1' je Compress ;if equal then jump to Compress cmp al, "2" ;compares user input to the char '2' je DeCompress ;if equal then jump to DeCompress jmp L1 ;start loop over again if neither '1' nor '2' Compress: ;beginning of Compress label mov edx, OFFSET message1 ;moves the offset of message1 into edx call WriteString ;displays message1 call crlf ;new line mov edx, OFFSET sourceFile ;moves the offset of sourceFile into edx mov ecx, SIZEOF sourceFile ;moves the sizeOf sourceFile into ecx call ReadString ;reads the user input of a string call crlf ;new line Compressb: ;destination mov edx, OFFSET message2 ;moves the offset of message2 into edx call WriteString ;displays message2 call crlf ;new line mov edx, OFFSET destinationFile ;moves the offset of destinationFile into edx mov ecx, SIZEOF destinationFile ;moves the sizeOf destinationFile into ecx call ReadString ;reads the user input of a string call crlf ;new line push eax mov edi, OFFSET destinationFile mov eax, ".drl" mov ecx, SIZEOF destinationFile cld repne scasb jnz Compressb dec edi pop eax ret ;return DeCompress: ;beginning of DeCompress Label mov edx, OFFSET message5 ;moves the offset of message5 into ex call WriteString ;displays message5 call crlf ;new line mov edx, OFFSET sourceFile ;moves the offset of sourceFile into edx mov ecx, SIZEOF sourceFile ;moves the sizeOf sourceFile into ecx call ReadString ;reads the user input of a string call crlf ;new line mov edi, OFFSET sourceFile mov eax, ".drl" mov ecx, SIZEOF sourceFile cld repne scasb jnz DeCompress dec edi mov edx, OFFSET message6 ;moves the offset of message6 into edx call WriteString ;displays message6 call crlf ;new line mov edx, OFFSET destinationFile ;moves the offset of destinationFile into edx mov ecx, SIZEOF destinationFile ;moves the sizeOf destinationFile into ecx call ReadString ;reads the user input of a string call crlf ;new line ret ;return showPrompt ENDP ;end of ShowPrompt proc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; checkForEmptyFile PROC mov edx, OFFSET sourceFIle ; moves the offset of sourceFile into edx call OpenInputFile ; calls openinputfile proc cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ;check validity of file handle je Quit2 mov handle3, eax ;jumps to quit label if invalid mov edx, OFFSET buffer ;moves the offset of buffer into edx mov ecx, BUFFER_SIZE mov eax, handle3 ;moves the buffer_Size into ecx call ReadFromFile ;calls ReadFromFile mov bytesRead, eax ;move eax into bytesRead cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax to 0 je QUIT ;if eax=0 then jump to quit mov eax, handle3 call Closefile ;calls closeFiles proc ret ;return QUIT: ;beginning of QUIT label mov edx, OFFSET message7 ;moves the offset of message7 into edx call WriteString ;displays message7 call crlf ;new line exit ;properly exits QUIT2: mov edx, OFFSET message6 ;moves the offset of message6 into edx call WriteString ;calls writestring call crlf ;new line exit ;exits checkForEmptyFile ENDP ;end of checkForEmptyFile proc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; getFileHandles PROC ;beginning of getfilehandles proc mov edx, OFFSET sourceFIle ; moves the offset of sourceFile into edx call OpenInputFile ; calls openinputfile proc cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ;check validity of file handle je Quit ;jumps to quit label if invalid mov handle1, eax ;moves eax into handle1 mov edx, OFFSET destinationFile ;moves the offset of the destination file into edx call CreateOutputFile ;calls the CreatOutputFile proc cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ;check validity of file handle je Quit ;jumps to quit label if invalid mov handle2, eax ;moves eax into handle2 ret ;return QUIT: ;beginning of quit label mov edx, OFFSET message6 ;moves the offset of message6 into edx call WriteString ;writes edx call crlf ;new line call crlf ;new line call main ;calls main proc getFileHandles ENDP ;end of getFileHandles Proc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; readFromFile1 PROC ;begining of readFromfile1 proc mov store, OFFSET newword mov edi, OFFSET newword mov esi, OFFSET wordArray Read: ;beginning of read label mov edx, OFFSET message9 ;moves the offset of message9 into edx call WriteString ;displays message9 First: mov eax, handle1 ;moves handle1 into eax mov edx, OFFSET buffer ; moves the offset of the buffer into edx mov ecx, BUFFER_SIZE ;moves the buffer size into ecx call ReadFromFile cmp eax, 0 je Quit2 cmp buffer, " " je Next jmp first NEXT: mov al, buffer mov [edi], al ;moves the data into bytesread inc edi New: mov eax, handle1 ;moves handle1 into eax mov edx, OFFSET buffer ; moves the offset of the buffer into edx mov ecx, BUFFER_SIZE ;moves the buffer size into ecx call ReadFromFile ;reads data from file cmp eax, 0 ;compares eax to 0 je Quit2 ;if eax = 0 then jump to Quit2 add eax, bytesread mov bytesread, eax cmp buffer, " " jne NEXT mov edi, OFFSET newword mov eax, " " mov ecx, SIZEOF newword cld repne scasb jnz noWorth dec edi cmp bytesread, 4 jb NoWorth Worth: mov edi, OFFSET newword mov [esi], edi add esi, 4 NoWorth: call clear mov bytesread, 0 mov edx, OFFSET newword ;moves the offset of message9 into edx call WriteString jmp first Quit: ;beginning of Quit label call crlf ;new line mov edx, OFFSET message8 ;moves the offset of message8 into edx call WriteString ;displays message8 ret ;return Quit2: ;beginning of Quit2 label mov edx, OFFSET wordArray ;moves the offset of message9 into edx call WriteString ;displays message9 ret ;return readFromFile1 ENDP ;end of readFromFile1 proc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; clear PROC ;beginning of Clear proc mov ecx, SIZEOF newword ;moves the sizeOf buffer into ecx mov esi,0 ;moves 0 into esi L2: ;loop two mov newword[esi],0 ;moves 0 into buffer at esi inc esi ;increment esi loop L2 ;loop back ret ;return clear ENDP ;end of clear proc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; closeFiles PROC ;beginning of closeFiles proc mov eax, handle1 ;moves handle1 into eax call CloseFile ;closes the file mov eax, handle2 ;moves handle2 into eax call CloseFile ;close the file ret ;return closeFiles ENDP ;end of the closeFiles proc end MAIN