Hello, Thank you for sharing your valuable suggestion. In my point of view Dreamover is the best software for making a website. It is commonly used by beginner programmers/web designers due to it's simply, easy to use interface. Thanks Carly Fiorina
if you're talking about WYSIWG then Dreamweaver I guess i the best, however If you'll be incorporating dynamic content functionlity then PHP is the best.
I have used Dreamweaver and Expression Web 4. They both get the job done. But like Shabbir said, for a complete beginner the best way to go is with a content management system like Joomla!. We have a thread dedicated to content management systems here on G4E and there is a piece of software called Artisteer that creates templates for different content management systems as well as websites. I would recommend downloading the trial of artisteer and the building a Joomla! template and making yourself a Joomla! site. The possibilities are endless and there is a huge Joomla! community that will provide the support you need. You can ask any questions you have about Joomla! in the content management system section of G4E. Let me know if you have any questions. I would be glad to help.
Expression Web 4 looks pretty nice but a friend of mine had so many crashes with it... It was running on Windows XP i think
Hello, Thanks for sharing the useful tips here. I think it depends on your web design skills. If you are looking to create a quick website or have little knowledge of the skills needed to create a website I suggest using web design software such as XSitePro. It is easy to use and requires no knowledge of HTML. It also comes with Wizards for you to do just about everything you may want to include in your website. Thanks Carly Fiorina
I will also recommend expression web 4 but there are also some other softwares too like webstudio, coffeecup you can also try this.
hi.. you can use JAVA and ASP.NET to make a website with high number of functionlities in the website. and these are secure too.