I have had a couple people ask me why Windows Movie Maker has such a poor quality output, and I just tell them it, actually, has quite a good quality output. You just have to know how to make it good. I learned all this info from an external tutorial on the web and decided I should import it to this website. When you are exporting your movie file, you will soon come to a part that says "Movie Setting" at the top. This is where you tell it what quality you want it to have. Select the option "Other settings:" and scroll down the list to find the best quality for you. I believe that the choice "High Quality Video (large)" outputs the very best quality you can get on Windows Movie Maker, but correct me if I'm wrong. Happy Surfing.
u re right. But before choosing a high quality in Movie maker u shud atleast have two empty HDD's for saving the file. The file size is exceedingly large. Nero show time is good and far better than movie maker.
Hello everybody, Thanks for your valuable thought, High quality standard DVD is about 1/3 of a mega pixel in frame size. High quality would be about six times that, but still less than the pixel dimensions of your images. And video compression blends the pixels from frame to frame, it might be mostly about celebrating your personal expectations. Thanks a lot Carlow Olson
Windows movie maker is best software for video editing. I also use this software that is build in my windows operating system.