1 (a hardware platform together) The pace of win7 is quicker than XP, not only say that the organ machine pace, but the response speed that the software is operated, operated is made; 2 win7 compatible XP most software, compatibility is better than VISTA What the system optimization of 3 win7 is done is better 4 unless you have legal XP spend, advise you spend win7 (VISTA let it be, this system can be jumped over) ,The latest edition is Windows7 win7 now _ RTM _ 7600.16385-16399.090722-1835,To stand for election edition formal edition, this piece stand for election edition only Put completely 5 piece win7 I raise because there aren't D the machines olds of the 3.06Gs, most last 10 several minutes a quick each with optical drive by I the match ...
Windows 7 is the best OS I have ever worked with, its fast, stable, user friendly, quick installation, good compatability (Better than Vista), and most of all it has awesome thread handling.