Winapi console and threading

Discussion in 'C' started by hobbyist, May 29, 2012.

  1. hobbyist

    hobbyist New Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I've been toying around with game ideas while trying to figure out threading; I've got a simple program and was hoping to get an idea on any problems that occur before I move on. Right now, it just moves the "enemies" about.

    // compiled using Code::Blocks 10.05
    // modified threading example
    // Win32 console app
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #define MAX_E 15 // number of "enemies"
    #define MAX_Y 20 // max rows
    #define MAX_X 79 // max cols
    HANDLE hcon;   // global handle to console window
    int sentinel;  // global loop control variable
    typedef struct {
        COORD old_c;
        COORD new_c;
        char shown;
        char blank;
        // structure for each "character"
    } test;
    typedef struct {
        test *enemies_list;
        // the thread function allows only one argument.  To pass a boat load
        // of data, use a struct as a "container" of other data
    } enemy_array;
    DWORD WINAPI ThreadRoutine(LPVOID lpArg) {
        enemy_array t = *(enemy_array *)lpArg;
        // lpArg needs to be cast to the appropriate data type
        // in this case, it's (enemy_array *).  To get to the data
        // we want, dereference *(cast_type *)lpArg
        for(; sentinel != 10; ) {
            // to exit out of the threading function,
            // set the sentinel value from within the main
            //     !! not sure if this is correct !!
            int i = 0;
            time_t t1 = time(0), t2;
            do{ t2 = time(0); } while(t2 < t1 + 1);
            // crude timer function; wait for ~1 second
            while(i < MAX_E) {
                SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcon, t.enemies_list[i].old_c);
                // update each of the "enemies" by placing a space where it
                // was; there is NO collision detection at this time
                switch(rand() % 4) {
                    case 0 : if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y - 1 > 0) // move up
                             else if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y == 0)
                                t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y = MAX_Y;
                    case 1 : if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X - 1 > 0) // move left
                             else if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X == 0)
                                t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X = MAX_X;
                    case 2 : if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X + 1 < MAX_X) // move right
                             else if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X == MAX_X)
                                t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X = 0;
                    case 3 : if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y + 1 < MAX_Y) // move down
                             else if(t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y == MAX_Y)
                                t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y = 0;
                 SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcon, t.enemies_list[i].new_c);
                 t.enemies_list[i].old_c.X = t.enemies_list[i].new_c.X;
                 t.enemies_list[i].old_c.Y = t.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y;
                 // update the new coordinates of each "enemy"
    	return NULL;
    int main() {
    	int i;
    	HANDLE hHandles; // handle to thread
    	DWORD ThreadId;
    	CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; // structure for cursor
    	test player = { { 40, 10 }, { 40, 10 }, 'X', ' ' };
    	enemy_array ea;
    	ea.enemies_list = malloc(sizeof(test) * MAX_E); // allocate some enemies
    	if(ea.enemies_list) {
    	    int i=0;
    	    while(i < MAX_E) {
    	        ea.enemies_list[i].blank = ' ';
    	        ea.enemies_list[i].shown = "!@#$%^&*()_+"[rand() % 12];
    	        ea.enemies_list[i].new_c.X = ea.enemies_list[i].old_c.X = rand() % 80;
    	        ea.enemies_list[i].new_c.Y = ea.enemies_list[i].old_c.Y = rand() % 20;
    	        // set their coordinates and assign them a "random" display character
    	} else {
    	    fprintf(stderr, "could not allocate space for enemies");
    	    return 1;
    	sentinel = 0; // controls the threading function runtime
        cci.dwSize = 1;
        cci.bVisible = 0; // hide the cursor
    	hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);  // get handle to console window
    	SetConsoleCursorInfo(hcon, &cci);        // prepare display
    	hHandles = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadRoutine, &ea, 0, &ThreadId);
    	// try to create the thread
    	if (hHandles == NULL) {
    	     fprintf(stderr,"Could not create Thread\n");
    	SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcon, player.new_c);
    	// set the initial placement of the player's character
    	for(; getchar() != '\n';) {
    	    // main player loop
    	sentinel = 10;
    	// clean up and prepare for program termination
    	WaitForSingleObject(hHandles, INFINITE);
    	cci.dwSize = 1;
    	cci.bVisible = 1;
    	SetConsoleCursorInfo(hcon, &cci);
    	// restore cursor
    	return 0;
    If anyone sees anything troublesome, please point it out.

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