Hello all. I am wanting to make a little site with my friends but it is a little different to anything we've made before. Because of this, we thought we'd seek some advice as to what sort of programming we should use before we go down the wrong road and spend too much time experimenting. It needs to be a community orientated website - users can sign in and out and even maybe modify their pages and also possibly be able to purchase and sell things. For this we would like to use a token system, which can be purchased with money. Previously, we have used Joomla etc for such websites, but we really like the idea of the new interface features like a drag and drop shopping cart that mootools offers and we aren't sure how Joomla would work with the tokens either. Any ideas would be great. It's just a fun site we're trying to do and as you can tell, we aren't experts, but we thought someone might be able to point us in the right direction. Thanks!
Thanks Shabbir. Is it possible to then incorporate mootools or spry etc where the user can drog and drop etc?
I could not understand what you mean by drag drop. If you are developing web pages you should be doing the drag and drop using the AJAX.