I want to create my own website and host it from home on a Linux Server possibly openSuSE 11. I don't know anything about web hosting so please tell me what I have to do to get it up and running or point to something I can read to host my own website. Thanks!!
Alright so I have this idea for a website. My cousin knows photoshop pretty well and we are going to make a website where we will just upload funny pictures. You can't go wrong with funny. Can you guys give any suggestions such as language to make the website in or what I need to learn to succesfully upload the pictures and have an attractive web page that will bring in people. When all this is done I will really appreciate if you guys visit the web page for suggestions and tips from the experts.
I thought up some other ideas for this website. I want to give users the option to rate the pictures and the option to register and log in and upload their own creations. Somone please help me with this. Any suggestions would be helpful. Tell me what programming language I have to learn or anything I have to learn to make this work.