hi I put a VB script into asp to show an internal IP address and computer name in the browser: Code: <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual InterDev 1.0"> <META **********="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Document Title</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <% arAddresses = GetIPAddresses() Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") info = "" for each ip in arAddresses info = info & ip next WScript.echo "You IP address = " & info & " " & " " & "You Computer Name = " & WshNetwork.ComputerName Function GetFQDN(ipaddress) '==== ' Returns Fully Qualified Domain Name ' from reverse DNS lookup via nslookup.exe ' only implemented for NT4, 2000 '==== set sh = createobject("wscript.shell") set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set Env = sh.Environment("PROCESS") if Env("OS") = "Windows_NT" then workfile = fso.gettempname sh.run "%comspec% /c nslookup " & ipaddress & " > " & workfile,0,true set sh = nothing set ts = fso.opentextfile(workfile) data = split(ts.readall,vbcr) ts.close set ts = nothing fso.deletefile workfile set fso = nothing for n = 0 to ubound(data) if instr(data(n),"Name") then parts = split(data(n),":") hostname= trim(cstr(parts(1))) Exit For end if hostname = "could not resolve IP address" next GetFQDN = hostname else set sh = nothing set fso = nothing GetFQDN = "" end if End Function Function GetIPAddresses() '===== ' Returns array of IP Addresses as output ' by ipconfig or winipcfg... ' ' Win98/WinNT have ipconfig (Win95 doesn't) ' Win98/Win95 have winipcfg (WinNt doesn't) ' ' Note: The PPP Adapter (Dial Up Adapter) is ' excluded if not connected (IP address will be ' and included if it is connected. '===== set sh = createobject("wscript.shell") set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set Env = sh.Environment("PROCESS") if Env("OS") = "Windows_NT" then workfile = fso.gettempname sh.run "%comspec% /c ipconfig > " & workfile,0,true else 'winipcfg in batch mode sends output to 'filename winipcfg.out workfile = "winipcfg.out" sh.run "winipcfg /batch" ,0,true end if set sh = nothing set ts = fso.opentextfile(workfile) data = split(ts.readall,vbcr) ts.close set ts = nothing fso.deletefile workfile set fso = nothing arIPAddress = array() index = -1 for n = 0 to ubound(data) if instr(data(n),"IP Address") then parts = split(data(n),":") if trim(parts(1)) <> "" then index = index + 1 ReDim Preserve arIPAddress(index) arIPAddress(index)= trim(cstr(parts(1))) end if end if next GetIPAddresses = arIPAddress End Function %> </BODY> </HTML> and get this error message: Code: Technical Information (for support personnel) * Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0035) File not found /server/performance/default.asp, line 89 this VB script without asp works well. knows someone howto solve this problem ?
Do you see the temp file being created without any issues. The problem looks like the file is not getting created or something like that and when u try to open it after that the code fails.