Hi to all you guys, this is my first thread, well this is my question: I´m using an LDAP SQL statement to retireve a user OU, but I want to look the OUs for all users beginning with a letter Example: A% This is the code I use: Code: Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset") Connstring = "Provider=ADsDSOObject" strSQL = "SELECT distinguishedName FROM 'LDAP://ou=es,dc=prg-dc,dc=dhl,dc=com' WHERE sAMAccountName = 'jdoe'" rs.Open strSQL, Connstring Do Until rs.EOF WScript.Echo rs("distinguishedName") Loop rs.close strUserDN = LCase(fullpath) Set objUser = GetObject ("LDAP://" & strUserDN) Thanks a lot...
I am not a LDAP SQL expert but you can refer to the LIKE operator which we have. Code: .... WHERE sAMAccountName LIKE 'A%'
Thanks for the repply, I though the same but it gives me this error when run it : Provider: One or more errors occurred during processing of command. It doesn't give an error number or anything but that
Don't understando (Instead of percentage) what I'm suppose to use instead of percentage? Thank you for your repply.