Using Perl on XML

Discussion in 'Perl' started by tress, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. tress

    tress New Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Please excuse me if this post is a little sketchy first post here. I am trying to work my way through a folder containing many xml files, a lot of these files dont have correct opening and closing xml tags contained within. What I want to do is read each file and extract 4 tags from each (these tags are properly openeded and closed with <>) and if at all possible load them into 1 Excel Sheet for later importing so I will have 4 columns and 1 xml file per row, I have some script that will read 1 file and output it to the screen but will not do a lot else, while outputtin I would also like to fix the bad tags replacing &lt; with < and &gt with > if this is also possible.

    My script so far, sorry there is not more

    use XML::Simple;

    my $xml = XMLin('280643TextCopy.txt');

    print "InstitutionType=$xml->{InstitutionType}\n";
    print "InstitutionName=$xml->{InstitutionName}\n";
    print "InstitutionNumber=$xml->{InstitutionNumber}\n";
    print "InspectionNumber=$xml->{InspectionNumber}\n";
    print "TransformedXML=$xml->{InspectionReport}->{TransformedXml}\n";

    I am running this on a Windows XP machine, if a sample of the XML is needed as well I can provide this.

    Thanks T
  2. naveen

    naveen New Member

    Jun 2, 2005
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    To be able to directly create an excel sheet, you need to use a module such as Spreadsheet::WriteExcel , which requires a good knowledge of Perl and programming. An easier approach would be to simply create a comma separated file containing the values which you require, and then manually import the csv file into any spreadsheet software, which can then be saved as excel file.

    For me to be able to comment on fixing the tags in your xml files, and suggest other possible ways of solving your problem, you need to upload/paste a sample xml file. I'll have a look at what can be done.

  3. tress

    tress New Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Hi Naveen,

    Thank you very much for the reply, I am afraid what I know about Perl could be written on a postage stamp though I am trying to learn though the time limit I have to do this is sounding a little stringent for what I am going to need to know.

    I have had to include the sample file as part of the post as its too big to upload and I didn't want to start ripping parts out incase I made the xml invalid

    Thanks again for the help!

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Inspection xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <FileName>S:\Schools data\MEG\280643.XML</FileName>
        <InspectorOin>33910 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>33910 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>23393 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>23393 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>23393 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>8250 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>8250 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>19452 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>19452 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
        <InspectorOin>19452 - NAME</InspectorOin>
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <YearGroups />
        <SubjectCode2 />
        <Focus />
        <Context />
        <Evaluation />
        <Summary />
        <CsiEval />
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Key Stage 3</SchoolKsYg>
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Key Stage 4</SchoolKsYg>
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Year Group 7</SchoolKsYg>
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Year Group 8</SchoolKsYg>
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Year Group 9</SchoolKsYg>
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Year Group 10</SchoolKsYg>
      <SchoolKsYg xsi:type="xsd:string">Year Group 11</SchoolKsYg>
        <TransformedXml>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?&gt;
    &lt;InspectionReport xmlns="http://www." xmlns:apd="http://www." xmlns:core="http://www." xmlns:pdt="http://www."&gt;
        &lt;SettingName&gt;SCH&amp;amp; SC&lt;/SettingName&gt;
          &lt;AppropriateAuthority&gt;The governing body&lt;/AppropriateAuthority&gt;
          &lt;FormalStatement&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;PARAGRAPH.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Specialist sports college status has enabled the school to build a new sports hall, and to develop a wider range of sporting opportunities and more community links. These are promoting enjoyment and healthy lifestyles and helping to develop students’ confidence and skills, for example through work with local primary school students.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Students’ personal development is good. Although a few parents have concerns about behaviour, inspectors found that students are well behaved in lessons and around school. Students make a positive contribution to the local community. In school they are involved in activities such as reception duties and they undertake various charitable activities. Attendance remains slightly below average despite the efforts of the school to improve it.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Although GCSE examination results are below national averages, most students achieve the standards they are capable of. The proportion of students gaining five or more GCSE A*–C grades including English and mathematics is close to the national average. Students make particularly good progress in mathematics.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Teaching is satisfactory, although some lessons are good and occasionally outstanding. The school is beginning to develop strategies to improve the quality of learning so that more lessons include more of the good features that already exist. Inconsistencies remain between departments in assessment, marking, and progress monitoring.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;The range of subjects and courses is satisfactory. Sports opportunities are good. Although there is a reasonable range of GCSE subjects, there are too few vocational opportunities at Key Stage 4. Advice and guidance on Key Stage 4 and Post 16 choices are good. Students find teachers approachable and helpful. Across different departments the monitoring of individual progress and guidance on how to improve work are inconsistent.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Leadership and management are satisfactory. The leadership of the headteacher has provided a clear sense of direction and generated a much greater sense of urgency to bring about improvements. The new school development plan accurately identifies the key challenges for the school. Partnership arrangements are good. The impact of new initiatives is beginning to be seen, for example in the recent reduction in the number of exclusions. The school has satisfactory capacity to improve. Governance is satisfactory. Governors are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the school and monitor performance effectively. They have managed recent staffing difficulties and the building of the new sports hall well.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;
              &lt;SixthFormYesNo&gt;key stage not present&lt;/SixthFormYesNo&gt;
            &lt;Paragraph&gt;PARAGRAPH. &lt;/Paragraph&gt;
            &lt;Paragraph&gt;PARAGRAPH. &lt;/Paragraph&gt;
            &lt;Paragraph&gt;PARAGRAPH. &lt;/Paragraph&gt;
            &lt;Paragraph&gt;PARAGRAPH. &lt;/Paragraph&gt;
            &lt;Paragraph&gt;PARAGRAPH. &lt;/Paragraph&gt;
              &lt;SixthFormYesNo&gt;key stage not present&lt;/SixthFormYesNo&gt;
      &lt;LetterToPupils&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;8 June 2007&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Dear Students,&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;JUNK.&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;Yours sincerely&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;NAME&lt;/Paragraph&gt;&lt;Paragraph&gt;HMI&lt;/Paragraph&gt;
        <ImportedFileDetails>Filename:	S:\Schools data\Published Reports\JUNK - Report.doc
    File date/time:	14 June 2007 15:29:15
    Import date:	14 June 2007 16:05:49</ImportedFileDetails>

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