Need urgent help to Update query on a table with student and his siblings

Discussion in 'MS Access' started by sourabh20, May 14, 2008.

  1. sourabh20

    sourabh20 New Member

    May 14, 2008
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    I have a table with Columns: Student_ID,Student_Name,Sibling1_name,Sibling2_nam e,Sibling3_name.

    Student_ID(PK), Student_Name, Sibling1_Name, Sibling2_Name, Sibling3_Name
    ROW1: 1, A, B, C, D
    ROW2: 2, E, F, G
    ROW3: 3, H, I
    ROW4: 4, J

    For every Student_ID I have 1 unique student name and his/her siblings.

    I want to create a query:

    1. To copy all these siblings to Student_Name column.

    S.No.(Autonumber), Student_ID(PK) Sibling1_Name Sibling2_Name Sibling3_Name
    ROW1: 1, 1, A, B, C, D
    ROW2: 1, 2, E, F, G
    ROW3: 3, 3, H, I
    ROW4: 4, 4, J
    ROW5: 5, 1, B
    ROW6: 6, 2, F
    ROW7: 7, 3, I
    ROW8: 8, 1, C
    ROW9: 9, 2,G
    ROW10:10, 1, D


    2. To copy the names of all the siblings(including the original student) realted to the new student(Ist column) in front of the new student.

    Like this:

    S.No., Student_ID(PK) Student_Name Sibling1_Name Sibling2_Name Sibling3_Name
    ROW1: 1, 1, A, B, C, D
    ROW2: 2, 2, E, F, G
    ROW3: 3, 3, H, I
    ROW4: 4, 4, J
    ROW5: 5, 1, B ,A, C, D
    ROW6: 6, 2, F, E, G
    ROW7: 7, 3, I, H
    ROW8: 8, 1, C, A , B, D
    ROW9: 9, 2, G, E, F
    ROW10: 10, 1, D, A, B, C

    Please guide me for this query or procedure.




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