Code: Option Explicit Dim c As New adodb.Connection Dim cn As New adodb.Connection Dim cm As adodb.Command Dim rsnew2 As New adodb.Recordset Dim rsnew3 As New adodb.Recordset Private Sub cmd_close_Click() End Sub Private Sub cmd_edit_Click() rsnew3.Open "select * from company", c, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox " enter the company name" text1.SetFocus rsnew3.Fields("text1") = text1.Text End If If text2.Text = "" Then MsgBox " enter the company address" text2.SetFocus rsnew3.Fields("text2") = text2.Text End If rsnew3.Update MsgBox " add new successful ", vbInformation, "successful" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim cs As String c.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\COMION.MDB;Persist Security Info=False") rsnew2.Open "select * from company", c, adOpenDynamic Me.text1.Text = rsnew2(2) Me.text2.Text = rsnew2(3) End Sub I am getting message that "edit is successful", but its not updating in database.. What should i do ????
Are you trying to add data or edit something what's already in there :s??? If you're adding data then... you need to move your pointer to last and then Add new record Code: rsnew3.MoveLast rsnew3.Add and then you can add everything you want to... and then rsnew3.update