Unsigned additiong overflow

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by eclipse, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. eclipse

    eclipse New Member

    Sep 3, 2007
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    I need some help on completing my little project I'm doing to enhance my skills a little bit. My program is to read in an amount transaction and add the amounts together. If the amount added together exceeds the nth bit, then an overflow occurs. Below is my code for what I've done so far:

    	.data			# Data declaration section
    Head: 	.ascii	"\n\tThis program"
    	.ascii	" can be used to balance your check book."
    	.asciiz	"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  Balance"
    tabs:	.asciiz	"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"
    tran:	.asciiz	"\nTransaction:"
    error:	.asciiz	"Overflow Occurred – Last Transaction Ignored"	#### Overflow message
    bye:	.asciiz	"\n  ****  Adios Amigo  **** "
    	.text			# Executable code follows
    	li	$v0, 4		# system call code for print_string
    	la	$a0, Head		# load address of Header message into $a0
    	syscall			# print the Header
    	move	$s0, $zero		# Set Bank Balance to zero
    	li	$v0, 4		# system call code for print_string
    	la	$a0, tran		# load address of prompt into $a0
    	syscall			# print the prompt message
    	li	$v0, 5		# system call code for read_integer
    	syscall			# reads the amount of  Transaction into $v0
    	beqz	$v0, done		# If $v0 equals zero, branch to done
    	addu $s0, $s0, $v0	# add transaction amount to the Balance
    	li	$v0, 4		# system call code for print_string
    	la	$a0, tabs		# load address of tabs into $a0
    	syscall			# used to space over to the Balance column
    	li	$v0, 1		# system call code for print_integer
    	move	$a0, $s0		# move Bank Balance value to $a0 
    	syscall			# print Bank Balance
    	b 	loop		# branch to loop
    done:	li	$v0, 4		# system call code for print_string
    	la	$a0, bye		# load address of msg. into $a0
    	syscall			# print the string
    	li	$v0, 10		# terminate program run and
    	syscall			# return control to system
    				# END OF PROGRAM
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2007

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