Hihi Anyone cam help me? I am facing this problem when I key in the ' (apostrophe) then it occur runtime error. This is the code Code: 'Method name: query 'Method Description: to run select-statement and return the results 'Parameters pass in: s (SQL select-statement) ' : cursorType (cursorType for connection) ' : lockType (connection lock type) 'Parameters return: query (recordset that stores the results) Public Function query(ByVal sql As String, _ Optional ByVal cursorType As CursorTypeEnum = adOpenForwardOnly, _ Optional ByVal lockType As LockTypeEnum = adLockReadOnly) As ADODB.Recordset On Error GoTo errHdl Set query = New ADODB.Recordset With query .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open sql, con, cursorType, lockType Debug.Print Time & " sql queried" & vbNewLine & _ vbTab & sql & vbNewLine & _ vbTab & "with " & query.RecordCount & " row(s) returned" .ActiveConnection = Nothing End With Exit Function errHdl: Debug.Print Time & " error query sql" & vbNewLine & _ vbTab & sql & vbNewLine & _ vbTab & Err.description Err.Raise Err.Number, "DB.query", Err.description <------- error End Function Hope anyone can help me. Thanks