tool for webdeveloper that can creat a post file

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by jasonx, May 19, 2007.

  1. jasonx

    jasonx New Member

    May 19, 2007
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    i new in webdevelop and i need some tips who to build a web site.
    i know who to work with sqlserver,mysql,php,dreamw etc

    i want know if there is some program to build "forms" to add/update/delete the records into the database.

    example i creat a website in dreamweaver with a form to submit to database,
    when i click in submit, he post to another doc or to it self, so far is ok.
    them i creat a php file to get the info that i have submited.
    and all time that i change or add a field i must do that, and build this info
    in the db to

    what i want to know if anyone know a software to build that php file for get the data that i post from the form.
    And them reconize if is for update,delete or creat any record.
    and creat is possible the new field struture in db that i put change/add.
    imagine this:
    I have 20 or more field to update or creat and each time i add a new field i need to change and add the values manualy in the php file for he can update or add this new field to db.
    i think i not the only person that faced this problem and think that is a loss of time to do that manualy and i can´t beliave that don´t exist any software to do that.
    if anyone can help me

    thanks a lot for your help
    and sorry for my bad bad english
  2. coderzone

    coderzone Super Moderator

    Jul 25, 2004
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    Probably you can try some of the CMS available.
  3. jasonx

    jasonx New Member

    May 19, 2007
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    i have tested some cms but now i want build myself some solutions and i looking for the right tools for that
    don´t you know any software to that what i tell? how you build your sites?
    thanks for your help

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