Experts, I am looking for a code snippet that can get me the title of the url I enter. something like if I pass It should return Go4Expert - Begining with PHP I have checked the internet and seen that curl of php can be useful but could not use it in a very good sense as I am not a PHP expert.
We can use Regular Expressions to get the title of a page, see the PHP code snippet below which extracts the title of page who's URL you specify. PHP: $url = "";$file = file($url);$file = implode("",$file);if(preg_match("/<title>(.+)<\/title>/i",$file,$m)) print "The title of $url is <b>$m[1]";else print "The page doesn't have a title tag";
I have added an extra bit of condition PHP: if (@fclose(@fopen($rightlink, "r"))) so that if the link is not reachable you dont have to open the file.