how to know the timezone using C ... i want something which will work both on Linux and Windows... for example in case of India...i wish to know using the program that the timezone is GMT+ 5:30 i found a variable called _timezone which works in case of Windows but not on Linux. gmtime(), localtime(), strftime() would seem to be functions worth a look.
i have tried all the above functions...but what i need is to print the current time in the undermentioned format: Tue Jan 08 2008 22:25:22 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) i am able to print everything except GMT+530 using the function strftime... so i am looking for some variable or function which can tell me the current timezone.. and i have to find the solution only within the ANSI/C89 boundaries..the functions like localtime must be using something to chge the time from UTC to localtime..
So what does this produce for you? Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main() { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm tnow = *gmtime(&now); char buff[100]; strftime( buff, sizeof buff, "%a %b %d %Y %T %Z%z", &tnow ); printf( ">>%s<<\n", buff ); return 0; }
This is the output i get..instead of the time difference in number...i get India Standard Time twice...!! >>Wed Jan 09 2008 India Standard TimeIndia Standard Time<< as I stated earlier ..i need GMT+0530.. for the time being what i am doing is ..subtracting the value of localtime and gmtime.. hence i get the time difference in seconds..(which comes out to be 19800 seconds in case of India) i calculate number of hours from it and concatenate it to my output string... but i still need a way out of calculating the time difference...
this is something what i have tried and is now giving the right output... still looking for an easy way out Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> char tzarray[13][3] = {"00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", \ "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"}; char tzmin[][3] = {"00", "30"}; int main(void) { long dtime = 0; short diffhour = 0; char diffmin[3] = {"00"}; char *strtm, *strzone; time_t tm1, tm2; struct tm *t1, *t2; strtm = malloc(120 * sizeof(char)); strzone = malloc(50 * sizeof(char)); tm1 = time(NULL); t2 = gmtime(&tm1); tm2 = mktime(t2); t1 = localtime(&tm1); dtime = (long)(tm1 - tm2); /* Print local time as a string */ strftime(strtm, 100, "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", t1); if (dtime >= 0 ) strcat(strtm, "+"); else strcat(strtm, "-"); strcat(strtm, tzarray[(short)(abs(dtime) / 3600)]); if (1800 == (short)(abs(dtime) % 3600)) strcat(strtm, tzmin[1]); else strcat(strtm, tzmin[0]); strftime(strzone, 50, " (%Z)", t1); strcat(strtm, strzone); printf("%s\n\n\n", strtm); return 0; }
ignore the indentation in the last post... it messed while copying the code from Visual Studio editor to explorer..