Hi, You can check this To flip columns into rows : Code: public static DataTable FlipDataTable(DataTable dt) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); //Get all the rows and change into columns for (int i = 0; i <= dt.Rows.Count; i++) { table.Columns.Add(Convert.ToString(i)); } DataRow dr; //get all the columns and make it as rows for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { dr = table.NewRow(); dr[0] = dt.Columns[j].ToString(); for (int k = 1; k <= dt.Rows.Count; k++) dr[k] = dt.Rows[k - 1][j]; table.Rows.Add(dr); } return table; } Now to bind the original DataTable to a GridView gvColumnsAsColumns and the flipped DataTable to gvColumnsAsRows, add the following code in the page_load event Code: //Bind datatable with columns as columns gvColumnsAsColumns.DataSource = dt; gvColumnsAsColumns.DataBind(); //Bind datatable with columns as rows gvColumnsAsRows.DataSource = FlipDataTable(dt); gvColumnsAsRows.DataBind(); gvColumnsAsRows.HeaderRow.Visible = false; Thanks