hi, i am prg to solve sukodu, this is what i have done uptil now Code: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> int mat[20][20]; int t,j; search(mat[][],i) { } void main() { clrscr(); cout<<"Well come...to SUKODU"; delay(2000); clrscr(); for(int i=1;i<=9;i++) { cout<<"\n"; for(j=1;j<=9;j++) { mat[i][j]= rand()%9+1; cout<<" "<<mat[i][j]; if(j==3||j==6) cout<<" "; if(i==6&&j==9||i==3&&j==9) { cout<<"\n"; continue; } } cout<<"\n"; } getch(); } output 553 228 188 556 827 241 913 599 364 428 155 599 291 143 977 461 927 222 749 828 151 784 379 592 929 693 867 now how do i remove duplicate enteries????? urgent help required
Wow, i haven't try that. maybe i will try to program it. If I'm able to solve the problem i will post it here..
codestorm: try Simple Sudoku. Generates puzzles for you, and you can enter puzzles from teh intarweb, and does all the legwork of maintaining candidate lists, turning moderately complex sudokus from a frustrating exercise in keeping track of potential numbers back to the fun logic puzzle it was meant to be.
OP: generating and solving sudokus are two completely different tasks. Probably best to work on a solver first, then once you've got the hang of that, turn the rules round to make a generator. You can generate them randomly, but it's probably more efficient in the long run to use the rules "backwards" to generate a puzzle.