Stuck on Codes

Discussion in 'C' started by joesmithf1, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. joesmithf1

    joesmithf1 New Member

    Jun 8, 2007
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    I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Please help!!!

    Here is my project description:

    By using a pointer to pointers **A and **B and the function calloc()
    allocate the memory for the 4x4 matrices A[][] and B[][].
    By using the pointers *a and *b and the function malloc()
    allocate the memory for the 4-dimensional vectors a[] and b[].
    Read the components of a and A from the given input file matrix.dat
    (which is in the public/final directory; you need to copy it into your directory).
    The first line of the input file contains the components of a. The rows of
    matrix A are the last four lines of the input file. Print the components
    of a[] and A[][]. By calling the function pmatrix(A,B,a,b,n), n=4,
    which you will construct, determine the components of the matrix B=1.5*A*A, and the
    vector b=(A*a)+0.5*a. Print the components of the matrix B and the vector b in the main.
    Free dinamically allocated memory.
    .................................................. ..............................
    Output should look like:

    Vector a is:
    a[] = -1.200 1.200 -2.000 -0.500
    Matrix A is:
    2.700 1.500 3.200 2.400
    -3.200 0.700 -2.600 4.300
    1.400 0.600 2.100 -1.800
    1.500 1.700 -2.600 -0.700
    Matrix B is:
    ..... ...... ...... ......
    ..... ...... ...... ......
    ..... ...... ...... ......
    ..... ...... ...... ......
    Vector b is:
    b[] = ..... ..... ..... .....

    My codes and I am stuck.

    //void prob3(double ***A, double ***B, double **a, double **b)
     void prob3(void)
    	 FILE *matrix;
    	 int k;
    	 double ***A, ***B, **a, **b;
    	 matrix=fopen("matrix.dat", "r");
    	 *A= (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*4);
    	 *B= (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*4);
    	 *a= (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*4);
    	 *b= (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*4);
    	 for(k=0; k<4; k++)
    		 fscanf(matrix, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &(*A)[k][0], &(*A)[k][1], &(*A)[k][2], &(*A)[k][3]);
    	 for(k=0; k<4; k++)
    		 fscanf(matrix, "%lf", &(*a)[k]);
    	 matrix1(*A, *B, *a, *b, 4);
     void problem3()
    	 double **A, **B, *a, *b;
    	 int row, col;
    	 printf("\nMatrix B is:\n\n");
    	 for(row=0; row<4; row++)
    		 for(col=0; col<4; col++)
    			 printf("%.3f ", B[row][col]);
    	 printf("\nVector b is: \n\n");
    	 printf("a[] = ");
    	 for(col=0; col<4; col++)
    		 printf("%.3f ", b[col]);
    	 for(row=0; row<4; row++)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2007

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