Hello I have the tables set up as below (simplified) BET (BetID, Title, Date, Event, Bookie1, Bookie2) BOOKIE (BookieName, URL) Every bet contains (among others) 2 bookies. Each bookie has an URL. For every bet I need a command to select all from bet along with the URL of both the bookies that are involved. This is the closest I have got but there is "incorrect sytax near c". SELECT a.*, b.url as 'url1', d.url as 'url2' FROM (BookieBet a INNER JOIN Bookies b on a.Bookie1 = b.BookieName) c INNER JOIN Bookie d on c.Bookie2 = d.BookieName Any help appreciated. Cheers
You are not specifying the table name near C Also I am just giving a try and its not a tested one. Code: Select b.*, b1.url, b2.url from BET b, BOOKIE b1, BOOKIE b2 where b1.BookieName = b.Bookie1 AND b2.BookieName = b.Bookie2