partition table was lost on a hd, but was able to recover .jpg using raw recovery, but no file names, so they are all mixed including ads/temporaryfiles/junk/etc.... the ones im looking to get out of the pot have high resolutions, but any program i try to run fails, either due to high volume or some files are still corrupted. so i need a sorter to go through all the pictures and split them into two directory, 1.good pictures 2. when i preview some of them it tells me drawing failed can i intercept this error code somehow and sort them like this. this comes from windows explorere(preview) then i need to sort the good pictures by resolutiongs, so i end up with good pictures that have high resolutiongs. thank you very much, i been trying to do this manually, but it has taken me days to get through even 5000 of them, i cant do anymore manually, too tired neeed sleep
uhm.., wasn't looking for an employee, just a push in the correct direction, but seems kinda crabby around here anyway,
You're pretty sensitive if you think an opinion on the correct forum is crabby. You don't even mention if you can program, or not, so it looked like an attempt to get a program written. Personally, I'd use PHP or Python because of their built-in image handling abilities (or libraries therefore).
php will work for sorting the resolutions, but no idea about detecting the error code give by windows to detect the corrupt images, and any sorting crashes windows first due to bad ones. thanks, sorry for being rude this thing is aggrivating me
forgot to mention, if i could find a way to get the bad ones out, i would just use 2 separate programs, no need to encorporate them in one, so i guess i just need help getting the bad ones out, i can take care of the sorting part.