Some Guidance Needed

Discussion in 'Jobs And Career Discussion' started by Logistical Solutions, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. Logistical Solutions

    Logistical Solutions New Member

    Apr 21, 2007
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    Hello Programmers,

    I was looking for some advice in regards to a software business idea I have. Unfortunately for me I am the business side of things and not the computer programming side. Basically my business colleagues (myself included) have been looking to add a few programmers to our business team. Truth be told, we do not know exactly what we should be looking for in a programmer, we really only know what we want the program to do. So I have to come to a forum like this to get some answers from people with the expertise in this field. I was hoping someone could give me the answers or some direction to the following questions:

    The software would focus on mapping (get from point A to point B while traversing objects in between.)
    1.) Is there a preferential programming language for mapping?
    2.) Is there open source code on the internet that I can be directed to?

    The program could be used potentially world wide, so there is a need for multiple languages
    3.) For multi-language capabilities is there a preferential software language?

    The program would be displayed in 3-D graphics
    4.) Is there a potential programming language that is best for graphics?

    Any answers or direction to any of these questions would be a great help and would be greatly appreciated.

  2. New Member

    Feb 13, 2008
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    still opening

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