Any know how to solve this problem( using input and map container)

Discussion in 'C++' started by ITgirl, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. ITgirl

    ITgirl New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    Hi everyone,

    My assignment partner and i have been working on this for a while and we have hit a wall and we have been stuck for several hours. A couple of questions, please. 1) In the Airports class I am trying to get input data from a text file and put it inside the variables of an airport object that I'm going to create. 2) Then I'm going to try and store my Airport objects inside a map container with a key being the Airport code. This is what it looks like so far.

    This is my header file:

       #ifndef AIRPORTS_
    #define AIRPORTS_
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <iterator>
    #include <map>
    using namespace std;
    class Airports{
     std::istream& operator (std::istream&, Airport::Airport&);
     #endif /*AIRPORTS_*/
    this is the CPP file:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include "Airports.h"
        istream& Airports:: operator (istream& ins, Airport::Airports:: Airport& airport ){
      // Notice how this operator does not need to be 'friend' to Airport
      string s;
      int h, m;
      // Get Flight Code
      ins >> s;
      airport.setCode( s );
      // Get scheduled arrival time
      ins >> h;
      if (ins.get() != ':')
        ins.setstate( ios::badbit );
        return ins;
      ins >> m;
      airport.setMinimumConnect( (double)(h % 24) + (m / 60.0) );
      // Get the description for humans
      ins >> ws;
      getline( ins, s );
      airport.setDescription( s );
      return ins;
       // This is where the list of airline flight data is stored using airport code (to access airport information) 
    map<Airport::Airport> airport_flights;
    map<Airport,string> mymap;
      map<Airport,string>::iterator it;
    // How many data do we need to read?
    int num_flights;
    cin >> num_flights;
    cin.ignore( std::numeric_limits <std::streamsize> ::max(), '\n' );
    // Read exactly that many
      std::istream_iterator <Airport::Airport> ( cin ),
      std::back_insert_iterator <Airport::Airport> ( airport_flights )
    the above code doesn't compile.
    these are the classes that the Airports class is using. the code below does compile and works:

        #include "Flights.h"
    		  //_____________Start Implementation of Flight class________________\\
    		  /*Start House-keeping functions  for Flight Class
    		   * Default constructor
    		   Flight:: Flight (){
    		   //debug statement
    		   cout<< "we are in the construtor with Default arguments\n";
    		   setDuration(0) ;
    		  /* Constructor for flight object
    		   Flight::Flight(const string &orig ,const string &destin ,const string &dep, const string &dur ){
    			//debug statement
    		   cout<< "we are in the construtor with arguments\n";
    		 /* copy constructor for flight object
    		   FlightsTL:: Flight:: Flight(const Flight& rhs){
    		   } */
    		   /**destructor for flight object
    		  Flight::  ~Flight(){
    		   //end House-keeping functions \\
    	   //_____________Start other functions____________________________\\
    		   /* Equals operation
    		  Flight&  Flight::operator=(const Flight& rhs){
    			return *this;
    		   /* get origin
    		 string  Flight::getOrigin() const{
    			  return org;
    		   /* get destination
    		 string  Flight::getDestination()const{
    			  return dest;
    		   /* get departure time
    		   string  Flight:: getDepartureTime()const{
    				return depTime;
    		   /* get duration
    		   string  Flight:: getDuration ()const{
    			   return dura;
    		   /* set origin
    		   void  Flight:: setOrigin(string t ){
    				  org = t;
    		   /* set destination
    		   void  Flight:: setDestination(string s){
    				  dest =s;
    		   /* set departure time
    		   void  Flight:: setDepartureTime(string c){
    			  depTime = c;
    		   /* get duration
    		   void  Flight:: setDuration(string d){
    				dura = d;
    		   /* set all
    		   void  Flight:: setAll(string a,string b,string c,string d){
    				   setDuration(d) ;
    		   /** ToString to display flight information
    		   string  Flight:: toString()const{
    				  string s;
    				  //double depT = getDepartureTime();
    				 // double durA =  getDuration();
    				   // convert double to string
    				 // char deptStr[50];
    				 // sprintf(deptStr,"%g",depT);
    				  // convert to string
    				 // char durStr[50];
    				//  sprintf(durStr,"%g",durA);
    				  // print all Flight information
    				  s=getOrigin() +"\t"+ getDestination() + "\t"+  getDepartureTime() + "\t"+ getDuration() +"\n" ;
    					return s;
    	//__________________end of Flight implementation_____________\\
    	//__________________Start of of FlightsTL implementation_____________\\
            //Start House-keeping functions
    		  /*Default constructor
    	   Airport:: Airport (){
    		  /* Constructor for Airport object
    		 Airport:: Airport(const string& code, const double& minCon, const string& description){
    		  /* copy constructor for Airport object
    		  // Airport(const Airport& rhs);
    		   /**destructor for Airport object
    		  Airport:: ~Airport(){
    		   //end House-keeping functions\\
     //_________________Start of other Airport functions___________________________\\
    		   /* Equals operation
    		Airport&  Airport::  operator=(const Airport& rhs){
    					  return *this;
    		   /* get minimum connection
    		  double Airport:: getMinimumConnectionTime()const{
    							return minConnect;
    		   /* get Code
    		   string Airport:: getCode()const{
    				  return code;
    		   /* get description
    		   string Airport:: getDescription()const{
    				  return description;
    		   /*get number of Flights 
    		   int Airport:: getFlightsNum(){
                   return FlightsNum;
    		   /* set minimum connection time
    		   void Airport:: setMinimumConnect (double a){
    					 minConnect =a;
    		   /* set code
    		   void Airport:: setCode (string b){
    						code = b;
    		   /* set description
    		   void Airport:: setDescription (string c){
    					description = c;
    		   /* set all
    		   void Airport:: setAll (string a,double b,string c){
    				   setMinimumConnect(b) ;
    		 void Airport::addFlight(const Flight& Flight){
    		 /*add Flight
    		 void Airport:: addNewFlight(const string& origin , const string& destination,const string& depTime, const string& duration){
    			/** ToString to display all flights and thier information
    		 string  Airport:: toString(){
    					  vector<Flight>::iterator find;
    					  string str;
    					  if (getFlightsNum() == 0) {
    							return "Nothing to show no Flights" ;
    				for(find = Flights.begin(); find != Flights.end(); find++){
    				  string s;
    				  double mCon = getMinimumConnectionTime();
    				   // convert double to string
    				  char mConStr[50];
    				  // print all Airport information
    				  s=getCode() +"\t"+ mConStr + "\t"+ getDescription() + "\n" ;
    				 return str + s;
    	  //__________________end of FlightsTL Implementation______________\\
    	  //I'm thinking of adding remove(), and clear() and add via text
    Thanks for your help, everyone


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