I have been asked a question ( an interesting one ) in an interview ystrday I was like given the following : ..... ..... if ( xxxxxxxxxxxxx) printf("hello"); else printf("world"); .. ...... Now, the interviewer asked me not to change anything given except the " xxxxxxxxxxx" He asked me to write such a condition in place of xxxx such that we get the output as : "helloworld" now.. i need to get the condition.. any help plz??
I don't think I would ever have guessed that. Once given the solution I would probably have commented something along the lines that I hope that question isn't indicative of programming standards within the company, cos if it was then I wouldn't want to work there anyway.
this question does have nothing to do with programming standards.tather,its purely logical question for c experts
@jamsheed m Dude.. thx a lot.. it was a great answer!! i was really breaking my head in the interview.. and even now.. if u dont m ind, cud u xplain this .. me trying a lot to get it into my head. it looks like i understood it but at the same time, i feel i dint get it. :crazy: Neways.. great answer dude! Thx! Cheerz R !
Its known tht printf returns an int value and its no of characters it prints here printf("hello") will return 4 and !4 is 0,so else part will be printed after hello so you get the reult.... its cool na ...wat you say ravi
yeah. superb solution dude!! so, this means the statement after the 'IF' is not getting printed.. but we are writing the same statement in the condition itslf.. . So, it has to get printed by default and itz directly jumping to else part.. Cool !! Cheerz R !!