Simple program Query

Discussion in 'Java' started by conorjoe, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. conorjoe

    conorjoe New Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Finding it hard to get started on a query I have been given which is about calculating an employees tax.

    There are two types of employees, standard and self-employed. The following detials apply

    Tax Rates:

    Standard PAYE Employee
    20% tax free, 20% @ 15% and the rest at 30%

    Self-employed PAYE Employee
    40% tax free, 20% on the rest

    I need to have:
    An Employee class
    CalculateTax Method makes use of appropriate calculation
    Create a Government class which has an array of employees
    Extend user so it has a boolean (selfEmployed)
    Iterate through array and calculate total tax from self employed and total
    tax from standard

    any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

  2. conorjoe

    conorjoe New Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Re: Please Help! - A Simple program Query problem??

    Ok im trying to put the pieces together. If anyone can lend any sort of help it would be much appreciated. what i have so far is. Ive got 5 different class and im not sure how to join them?

    I need to be able to get an employee from the array.
    Check whether or not they are self-employed (using a Boolean).
    Then apply the appropriate calculation to work out the tax on their pay.
    And then display the answer.

    public class Government extends Employee {
    	public Government(String name, int pay, boolean selfemployed){
    	boolean selfemployed = true;
    	public static void main (String [] args)
    		Employee[] staff = new Employee[4];
    		staff[0] = new Employee("person1",15000, true);
    		staff[1] = new Employee("person2",20000, false);
    		staff[2] = new Employee("person3",25000, true);
    		staff[3] = new Employee("person4",30000, false);
    public class CalculateTax{
    	public static void main (String [] args){
    	double standardTax;
    	double selfEmployedTax;
    	double pay;
    	double netPay;
    	standardTax = ((pay * 0.2)*0.15) + ((pay * 0.6)* 0.3);
    	selfEmployedTax = ((pay * 0.6)*0.2);
    public class Employee{
    	public Employee (String name,int pay, boolean tax){
    		//calculateTAx method
    public class SelfEmployedEmployee extends Employee{
    	// override CalculateTAx
    public class StandardEmployee extends Employee{
    	//override calculateTax
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2008

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