Hi there, I hope someone can help me, I have been designing sites for a while now, but am attempting to expand my knowledge and integrate a form and some sort of database into a site. Basically, I need a client to be able to enter information (name, address etc) into a form, press submit and the data (and the user) is then sent to another page where it is shown on the screen as a online 'database'. And when the next set of data is submitted, it is shown below the previous data, and so on... Ideally, there would also be a 'remove' option next to the data, so that when it is no longer needed, the client can click remove and it is deleted. I have looked into SO many ways of doing this, and I am plain confused. Can someone at least point me in the right direction? Any help would be hugely appreciated! I am using dreamweaver on windows, and my hosting package supports ASP.