Simple array problem

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by sanitykey, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. sanitykey

    sanitykey New Member

    Mar 9, 2007
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    Hi, i am trying to get the user to input values for an array using:
    int main(void){
    int marks[4];
    char format[]   = "%i";
    _asm {
    markone:  lea eax, marks[0];
                    push eax;
                    lea eax, format;
                    push eax;
                    call scanf;
                    add esp,8;
    marktwo:  lea eax, marks[1];
                    push eax;
                    lea eax, format;
                    push eax;
                    call scanf;
                    add esp,8;
    markthree: ...etc
    I've cut my code down a bit to what i think is relevant.

    When i execute that second chunk of code it changes the value for marks[0] and i have no idea why or how to fix it???

    Any help would be appreciated and sorry this isn't pure assembly language code is it a c++ hybrid type thing? i don't know lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2007
  2. sanitykey

    sanitykey New Member

    Mar 9, 2007
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    Sorry to double post but i thought i could clarify a bit...

    I've been messing about with my code trying to get it to work here's what it looks like at the moment:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main (void)
    int marks[4];
    int mark1 = 0;
    int mark2 = 0;
    marks[0] = 0;
    marks[1] = 0;
    marks[2] = 0;
    marks[3] = 0;
    char format[] = "\n%i";
    _asm {
    markone:  lea eax, mark1;
              push eax;
              lea eax, format;
              push eax;
              call scanf;
              add esp,8;
    		  mov eax, mark1;
    		  mov marks[0], eax;
    marktwo:  lea eax, mark2;
              push eax;
              lea eax, format;
              push eax;
              call scanf;
              add esp, 8;
    		  mov eax, mark2;
    		  mov marks[1], eax;
    return 0;
    I think what i've figured out is that the problem isn't to do with scanf it's just related to how i'm trying to store the values in the array.

    I used the values 12 and 5 to test and when i watched the variables when debugging i noticed the only value that changed was marks[0], first it changed to 12 as i wanted but then it changed to 1292 as soon as i executed this line:

    mov marks[1], eax;
    I'm using MS Visual Studio 2005 in the C++ environment.
  3. sanitykey

    sanitykey New Member

    Mar 9, 2007
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    I managed to solve my problem the trick was that instead of saying marks[1] i said [marks+4] instead and it pointed to the right place, apparently for some reason by saying marks[1] it was only adding on 1 byte instead of 4 i think.

    Thanks for all the views anyway =)
  4. Asmhead

    Asmhead New Member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    Sorry for the late reply but I just found the post and maybe this a moot point if you have already solved your problem. You are right That you have to add 4 to access the next element of the array as it is int type.
    Maybe just a couple of other suggestions. It is probably better to use esi register to load the effective address and use a loop to access elements of array.

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