Hi all, I am trying to set folder permissions for "everyone" on a folder and am struggling to find out how to do it in VBScript. I have found a few articles but because i am new to this i do not really understand them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
I have been able to find the code and implement it, however it wipes out all those that have permission already and just leaves the one that i am creating. Does anyone know why? Code: Function SetPermissions() Dim strHomeFolder, strHome, strUser Dim intRunError, objShell, objFSO strHomeFolder = "C:\Test" Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FolderExists(strHomeFolder) Then intRunError = objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /c Echo Y| cacls " _ & strHomeFolder & " /t /c /g everyone:F ", 2, True) If intRunError <> 0 Then Wscript.Echo "Error assigning permissions for user " _ & strUser & " to home folder " & strHomeFolder End If End If End Function
I have come accross another problem, in that i need to be able to execute an sql script from a vbscript, is this possible and how easy is it?
Hello Guys, I too needed a VBscript to set folder permissions on workstations. So thanks for the information. However in my code I could never get the variable of strfolder path to get recognized. Here is what I'm referring to: Option Explicit Dim strFolder strFolder = "C:\Test\Growing Palms" Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k cacls & stfFolder & /E /G WhiteCastle\Sarah:F") WScript.Quit I just could not get the directory to get recognized! I ended up change the script line to the following. objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k cacls ""c:\test\Growing Palms"" /E /G WhiteCastle\Sarah:F") Any Idea as to what I was doing wrong is attempting to use the Variable. I know that once your sent the %comspec% comand you are very much in at a dos prompt. Perhaps if there was a way to pass over the variable to the shell command envirnment. Please advise, RTorres9
Check this line Code: objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k cacls & stfFolder & /E /G WhiteCastle\Sarah:F") Should be, Code: objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k cacls """ & stfFolder & """ /E /G WhiteCastle\Sarah:F")
Thanks for the information. Looks like the lack of the double double quotes is the problem. I'll give this a try. Have a nice day!
Hi ,I need to give " only write" permission to a folder through VB Script.Please let me know how to achieve this.I used the below VB script(Please let me know what modification needs to be made):Function SetPermissions() Dim strHomeFolder, strHome, strUser Dim intRunError, objShell, objFSO strHomeFolder = "C:\Demo" Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FolderExists(strHomeFolder) Then intRunError = objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k cacls """ & strHomeFolder & """ /E /G fareast\Sreejith:F") If intRunError 0 Then Wscript.Echo "Error assigning permissions for user " _ & strUser & " to home folder " & strHomeFolder End If End IfEnd Function
From the Above code i am not able to set permission to a folder inside "C:\Program files" , Please do the nessessary help
How would you use CACLS with Variables for UserName? For instance, I want to elevate permissions for the users of their home directories. The user name I want to be elevated to Full Control is the same name as the folder. How can I script it to use that same foldername (username)?
Please explain the below, Giving the folder access for individual person from the admin person Can you please explain gow to do the same?