Hi i am quite new to C.Wanted help on a segmenation fault in the foll program >> Am simply trying to read file contents into variables defined in struct data Code: Code: #include<stdio.h> int main() { const MAX = 1000; struct data { float *lat[MAX]; float *lon[MAX]; float *hc100[MAX]; int day[MAX]; int month[MAX]; int year[MAX]; int jd[MAX]; int n[MAX]; char *d[MAX]; }; int i; struct data data1; FILE* fp; fp = fopen("hc100-Ebox.par","rw"); if(fp == NULL) { printf("FILE DOESNT EXIST"); goto l1; } while(!feof(fp)||i<MAX) { fscanf(fp,"%f %f %d %d %d %f %d %c %d",data1.lat[i],data1.lon[i],&data1.day[i],&data1.month[i],&data1.year[i],data1.hc100[i],&data1.jd[i],data1.d[i],&data1.n[i]); i++; } fclose(fp); l1:return 0; } A fragment of the data i am trying to read is : 9.65 75.58 9 5 2002 282.68 129 E 1 10.08 75.43 24 5 2002 261.08 144 E 2 10.08 75.45 13 6 2002 233.84 164 E 3 10.20 75.70 14 6 2002 262.54 165 E 3 10.12 75.25 3 7 2002 236.79 184 E 4 10.05 75.65 7 7 2002 99.99 188 E 4 10.00 75.83 22 7 2002 99.99 203 E 5 and it continues for some lines below the same way,,,
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