HI good friend I have to make search for data in tow table witch using the same column name & echo it in my php page please help me :cry::cry::cry:
Just implement a join on the fields. Refer: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/mysql-using-joins.htm
Maybe I didn't clarify my request, I have two tables in data base with different number of columns, but it is similar to some of the columns label, and I want to search for data in the one of the similar column
Either I am not able to understand or you have issues with your database design. If you have 2 tables, one of the table should have data as primary key or unique and other one should be foriegn key where you should be able to join.
first of all I would like to Thank you very much for your attention to my problem, I would like to inform you that I repeat the search code for each table separately and echo the results in the same table so my problem solved Thank very much
Hey, I'm sharing a link just check this " https://support.office.com/en-us/ar...-matches-cb20ad48-4eba-402a-b20d-eaf10a5d1cb4 ". You will get the relevant data in this . Good Luck.