Hi everyone, thank you for the help you provide on this forum, I've learned a lot so far. Right now I'm making a simple Access-Visual Basic 2005 .NET database. I want to make a Search Query that will search the Database for text similar to what the user inputs into TextBox1.Text on the form where the datagrid is displayed. I've created a query that works if: SELECT... FROM... WHERE mycolumn = 'oxygen' for example. It will retrieve and display all matches for oxygen, so the query itself works. But it does not work with the variations I have tried on: SELECT... FROM... WHERE mycolumn = ' "TextBox1.Text" ' The query is: SELECT FirstName, LastName, City, Major, StudentID FROM Students WHERE FirstName LIKE ... I want to be able to search the column <FirstName> for the text that the user inputs in TextBox1.Text and then display the parts of the datagrid that match that. A blank datagrid appears. I don't think the query is able to see what TextBox1.Text contains. What do you recommend I do to make this work? Or what alternatives exist to making a robust search button with search terms? Thanks, Mendoza
The code is now: Code: Dim connection As New OleDbConnection ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Source=C:\MSDS\MSDS DATABASE DATA\MSDS.mdb;") Dim [command] As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Students WHERE FirstName LIKE ?", connection) [command].Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", Me.TextBox1.Text & "%") [U]connection.Open()[/U] Dim rdr As OleDbDataReader = command.ExecuteReader() Dim tbl As New DataTable() tbl.Load(rdr) Me.StudentsDataGridView.DataSource = tbl rdr.Close() connection.Close() And there is a crash due to connection.Open() stating: Could not find installable ISAM. I tried to fix the problem through this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/209805 But all registry references were correct and files were found. EDIT: Probably has something to do with the fact that I don't have Microsoft Access installed. Tho that hasn't stopped me up to this point.