Hi All, Basically i am trying to add an additional search to a website, my ASP knowledge is quite limited although i seem to be getting there. i have introduced the search field into page and have the funtion setup. however what i dont seem to be able to find is the fields/functions its calling. heres the function code: Code: function ViewExistingShippingAddresses2() { if ((document.Update.search_ship_to2.value == "") || (document.Update.search_ship_to2.value == "Search By Cost Centre")) { alert("Please enter a Cost Centre to search for. If you do not remember the full ID, enter the starting characters for a broader search."); return false; } else { document.Update.MM_submit_action.value = 'ShippingAddresses'; document.Update.submit(); } and the form field: Code: <input name="search_ship_to2" type="text" class="formstyleControl" id="search_ship_to2" tabindex="94" value="Search by Cost Centre" size="36" maxlength="100" onFocus="this.value='';"></td> <td width="20"><input name="button_search_ship_from2" type="button" class="formstyleControl" value="Search" onClick="ViewExistingShippingAddresses2();"> im really just trying to find where i would pull the data from for this? how would i get it to search based upon cost centre rather then address? (viewexistingshippingaddress2 is an additional field which i have created. please someone help i've been stuck on this for days... really need some help thanks, Arran
Code: document.Update.MM_submit_action.value = 'ShippingAddresses'; You probably have a SQL server with a stored function called Shipping Address, look through the SQl database and you can copy it and add a few new fields or criteria for your new search.
Hi, thanks for the reply. i have attached the files in question. what i am trying to do is to introduce another search function underneath alternative ship to address. the new search needs to be based on searching for CostCentre. no matter what i seem to do i cant get it right, if someone could have a look for me it would be most appreciated! (3 files attached in the zip they all seem to have something to do with it.) cheers, <<Attachment removed>>
I have removed the attachments and please do not attach the complete project and ask to debug / find bugs. Take the pain of discussing it and explaining it and also use your code snippets in the posts where you think could be a potential problem.