Rewriting my code to dynamic memory allocation

Discussion in 'C++' started by thefallenangel, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. thefallenangel

    thefallenangel New Member

    Dec 16, 2011
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    Hey guys,I'm having a go at re-writing a simple enough code I did, to use dynamic memory
    here is the header and the main

    int assignOdds (int horse) ; // function to assign odds int whichHorseToBetOn (void) ; // function to ask which horse to bet on int getAmount (void) ;  // function to ask how much to bet int runRace (void) ; // function to run the race
    //Horse Betting #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include "betting.h"  using namespace std ;  int Cash = 100;   // starting cash int const NUMBEROFHORSES = 8 ; int Bet = 0 ;  // how much have they bet int horseWon = 0 ; int x =0 ; int odds[7] ; // array which holds each horses odds int tempOdds = 0 ; int winner = 0; int thisBet = 0; // holds horse bet on int Amount = 0; //. holds amount bet this race  int main() 	{  	while (cash > 0) 		{ 		cout << "You have " << cash << " to spend. \n" ;  		for(x=0	;	x<NUMBEROFHORSES	;	x++)	//loop asign and display odds 		{ 	odds[x]= assignOdds(x) ; 	cout << "Horse " << x+1 << " Odds are " << odds[x] <<"/1 \n" ; 		} 	cout << "Which Horse do you want to bet on -  " ; 	Bet = whichHorseToBetOn() ; thisBet=getAmount(); 	cout << endl ; winner=runRace();// selects winning horse randomly with runRace() function  	if (winner+1 == Bet) 	 { 		cash = cash+(thisBet*odds[winner])+thisBet ;	// If you have picked the winner then calculate earnings 	 } }  }    int assignOdds (int horse) // assign random odds to horse { 	tempOdds=(rand()%10)+1; 	return tempOdds ; }  int whichHorseToBetOn () { 	cin >> Bet ; 	return Bet ; }  int getAmount () {  	cout << "How much do you want to bet? You currently have " << cash<< " to spend -\n  "; 	cin >> Amount ; 	cash =cash -Amount ; 	return Amount ; }  int runRace () // calculates randomnly which horse has won the race and displays it on screen { 	horseWon=(rand()%8); 	cout << "Horse " << horseWon+1 << " has won the race! "  ;  	cout << endl << endl << endl ; 	return horseWon; }
    My question is if I were to replace the "Cash=100" keyword with
    int *ptr;
    ptr = new int;
    *ptr = 100;
    Would this work?
  2. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Please repost the code with line breaks; it's unreadable as just a single line.
    Also please use code blocks for all code.

    Regarding your question, I couldn't see "Cash=100" anywhere, but on the face of it (a) yes it should work; (b) why didn't you try it instead of asking here; (c) why would you want to do it this way anyway - what's the benefit of using a pointer?

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