Hi guys, i am still new here but i have been a web designer for almost 3 years, i just made a new design for my online games website http://www.net-games.biz , and i'd really like to get some feedback from you guys, I'd really appreciate honest reviews! positive and negative feed backs would be appreciated!
Its too slow and also the text which will interest me to view the site is way too down and normally users don't reach upto that point to read anything.
I can visit it quickly except some page, the game is great, but I am afraid no one will pay attention to the below info, all of them wil play game first.
well there is also another ur running ur site on a Target http://www.net-games.biz Server banner Microsoft-IIS/6.5beta Operating system Windows Web server IIS Technologies iis server which is actually a bad idea seeing that there are over 25 exploitations overflows to the server and such i would reccomend changing ur site to another server
first of all it's too much slow, logo is brilliant and images are fanatics.It contain large collection of game.
lol not trying to be rude but lol its all negative feedback were giving lol execpt magenas post lol also its goiong really fast for me now i clicked the link and it instantly poped up lol so thats going good now