Question about GPS for SMS!

Discussion in 'Programming' started by akuhl101, May 13, 2009.

  1. akuhl101

    akuhl101 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Hi all,
    I have a general programming question for a business I'm starting, and would appreciate any help you could give me. I was wondering if there is a GPS program out there for any cell phone (or multiple systems for different cell phones) that:
    (1) would be easy to download and install on a phone
    (2) would provide a computer with updated, GPS coordinates of a phone's location
    (3) cannot be manipulated by the person with the phone to provide false locations
    (4) can be legally used by a for-profit business
    So far I haven't found anything. If this doesn't exist, any ideas on how hard it would be to program/ how much it would cost to hire a programmer to make it?
    Again, thanks for any help you can provide me!

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